Add sunshine and smiles to your lives as you take in the glory and beauty of each other’s gardens throughout the summer with Garden Gatherings! This is a wonderful chance to get to know each other better, as well as learning about what went into the design and maintenance of these members’ gardens! Our Garden Gatherings will be held on Thursdays from 4 to 5 p.m. on select weeks from June to August. Hostesses and dates will be appearing on the website calendar and the Wild Apricot members phone app event tab. All the details you will need while planning your summer gatherings!
CGCD members Victoria Babcock, Betsy Boak and Colleen O’Reilly-Lacks are the co-chairs of this committee.
Garden Gathering invites will be sent out as we get closer to the summer months.
They will include:
1) Host / Hostess details
2) The maximum number of attendees
3) Any sign ups for appetizers or refreshments
Garden Gatherings are set for 1 hour of time. Enjoy!